Why must the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) continue to go down this path? Mrs Moore, is using terrible tragedy of abuse within some SBC churches, for her own agenda and she should be ashamed. In some ways though, Mrs Moore is right, the abuse that happened is awful and should be punished to the full extent of the law, which should be handled locally. The SBC has has in the past celebrated the autonomy of the local church and it is up to the local church to handle these situations. It would seem that the denominations leadership and those who support Mrs Moore wish to view us like the Catholic Church, where it is a top down organization. They want to tell us what we are so very wrong at and how they know how to fix it. The leadership are trying to make the SBC into the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, to go back to what it was before the conservatives.
Back to Mrs Moore, no one ever said this woman wasn't smart, Mrs Moore is giving the serpent a run for his money. In my life I have found the greatest of deceivers tell little lies, over long periods. These little lies, play on people's emotions, some little thing that may make them feel some guilt and most people hate to even think of themselves being the bad "guy". This changes how people, who are already inclined to believe her, find it easier to justify what Mrs Moore says. Mrs Moore, is just adding some lard to that slippery slope! Just like Eve she wants what she shouldn't have, so she is convincing everyone that there wrong instead.
This is the face of the liberal resurgence |
Let's be nice, everyone want to be nice and Mrs Moore is talking about how these misogynistic men in leadership have used this idea of complementarianism as a tool to abuse women. We are just abusing women because we keep reading and trying to apply God's word, as its written. When will we stop trying to make everyone happy? Most of these people in the audience, watching her, have to be marginally Biblically illiterate or none of this would be an issue. I'm at the point where I believe that the men in this audience are... I don't even know how to say anything positive. Mrs Moore wants something and she is using this tragedy to get it.
It is a very similar issue that is being fought in the culture wars. Homosexuals, Pedophiles and transgender want to be recognized as normal (Mrs Moore has stated that we have been to hard on them to) and to be accepted throughout society for who they are. This is especially targeted at christians and institutions associated with the church. Deep in there hearts, they believe if they are accepted and normalized, then it will fill that empty place. The same goes for Mrs Moore, no amount of lies, misdirection or even the SBC leadership supporting her will make what she wants to be true. God does not call women to be Elders/Preacher/Teachers in His church.
Here is the article link:
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