For the few people who read my blog, happy new year! It has been along time since I posted anything and feel a little guilty. I have struggled this last few months with some pretty deep emotional and spiritual issues. All made that much more difficult by the conflict in former church and My family choosing to leave it. I am hoping that 2009 will offer both a time to heal and a time to grow in my faith.
The kids are doing great and mom is well, for everyone who knows my wife she is being Sarah. I am blessed, outside of our Lord, they are my rock. I am still in the process of becoming a chaplain candidate for the Missouri National Guard. I have several decisions to make in this upcoming semester.
The Things I must Decide:
1. I can graduate in the spring of 2010 with one degree (M.Div or MACO)
2. Or I can graduate in the spring of 2011 with both (Both M.Div and MACO)
3. If I do the CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) residency it pushes everything back an additional year.
4. A couple of my professors think I should go on and get my PhD, in either pastoral care and counseling or in just counseling. They think I would be good at training future chaplains or people who care and counsel others.
They all sound simple, but in order to graduate with both or just one I have to schedule classes in an exact way. CPE will throw everything off! Also, with the Guard and active duty options I have to look at deployment immediately after graduation. Which is OK but then what do I do, especially if I am still in the Guard? Then if you throw in the whole getting a Doctorate, an actual PhD, not a D.Min, that's three years of classes and an additional two years to write a minimum of a hundred page desertion.
So, please pray for me! First for discernment of God's will and to bring my will into alignment with His. Secondly, what ever decision that I do end up making that my family and I can find peace with it.
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